Report: Fukushima Plant Site Radiation Levels ‘Fatal to Humans’


Link: Report: Fukushima Plant Site Radiation Levels ‘Fatal to Humans’

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Weeks ago, officials at Japan’s radiation-seeping Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant had assured the public that the situation had “stabilized.” On Tuesday, however, TEPCO informed news outlets that officials have “detected the highest radiation levels at the facility since the initial earthquake and tsunami five months ago,”

Colour pictures revealed of London blitz from Nazi bombers in World War II


Link: Colour pictures revealed of London blitz from Nazi bombers in World War II

For many, photographs from the World War II have only been seen in grainy black and white.

But now, new colour images have emerged that show the full horror of the destruction inflicted by Nazi bombings across London.

The powerful images were released to mark the 70th anniversary of the launch of Winston Churchill’s ‘V for Victory’ campaign on July 19, 1941.

Read more:

A pound of flesh: how Cisco’s “unmitigated gall” derailed one man’s life


Link: A pound of flesh: how Cisco’s “unmitigated gall” derailed one man’s life

Very interesting story on how Cisco and US authorities colluded to have a businessman’s life ruined, without providing any kind of evidence.

That, my friends, is called fascism.

RIAA Accounting: How To Sell 1 Million Albums And Still Owe $500,000


Link: RIAA Accounting: How To Sell 1 Million Albums And Still Owe $500,000

An astute Slashdot reader sums it up nicely:

For all the complaints from the RIAA about ‘pirates,’ who are the real pirates in this scenario? Through a variety of contractual tricks, it’s nearly impossible for artists signed to major labels to get paid. The article and video detail how an artist who thinks he’s getting a 10% royalty is actually getting closer to 2.5% through various tricks placed in the contract. The labels, then, end up with 97.5% of the gross revenue, and anything they ‘spend’ on the artist continues to come out of the royalties, not the labels’ cut.

Turning radio waves into power (with circuits printed on paper)


Link: Turning radio waves into power (with circuits printed on paper)

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Researchers at Georgia Tech have found a way to harvest energy from electromagnetic waves in the air. The harvesting devices are produced using an inkjet printer and can collect small amounts of power from a wide band of frequencies—everything from FM radio up to radar.

Via Ars Technica

Why we have brain farts, and what scientists are doing to stop them


Link: Why we have brain farts, and what scientists are doing to stop them

IO9’s I was absent-mindedly shoveling cereal into my mouth when the brainfart struck: my hand decided to reroute the incoming spoon’s flight trajectory into my cheek. As I sat there with milk dripping down my chin, my immediate reaction was to blame my hand. But then I realized that my hand had just been following orders. If anyone was to blame here, it was my brain. Turns out that neuroscientists agree with me.

Brain farts, the momentary lapses in attention that strike when you least expect them, may actually be rooted in abnormal patterns of brain activity. Neuroscientists call them “maladaptive brain states.” We spoke to researchers in an emerging field of neuroscience that examines these brain states to learn about the neurological basis of brain farts, their potential evolutionary origins, and how they might one day be a thing of the past.