Forever Bikes by Ai Weiwei
art, photographyUp the rabbit hole
art, photographyWalk between the drops
art, cool, tech
Rain Room is the amazing installation by rAndom International artists Stuart Wood and Hannes Koch, in which it doesn’t rain on you. 3D cameras track the visitor’s movements to let you literally walk between the drops.
Via kottke
Urban art in Toronto
artContemporary ants
artI for one welcome our contemporary ants overlords!
This is the MOCCA (Museum of Conemporary Canadian Art) in Toronto, where I experienced a fantastic immersive multimedia installation, Necropolis by Tasman Richardson. Today was the last day to see it so if you missed it, well, you missed it. But do keep an eye on Tasman, he’ll probably have some mind-blowing stuff to show us soon.
Leon Theremin: The man and the music machine
art, techThe Theremin has always fascinated me, probably because it was featured in so many sci-fi movies soundtracks. The BBC celebrates the 90th anniversary of its invention by Leon Theremin, a then young bolshevik who got Lenin’s attention.
Ninety years ago this month a young Russian scientist and inventor, Leon Theremin, was summoned to the Kremlin to meet Lenin. It was the start of an incredible journey that laid the foundations for modern electronic music.
Leon Theremin had just invented the first electronic musical instrument and, by direct consequence, electronic music.
via BBC News – Leon Theremin: The man and the music machine.
Artist suspends real clouds in the middle of the room
artThis is so cool! The scale and lighting boggles the mind for an instant. After all, our brain doesn’t expect to see a cumulus cloud indoors I guess.
Smilde uses a fog machine to make the actual clouds, but also carefully regulates the humidity and temperature. Even so, these installations exists for a mere moment before dissipating inside the room. If you’re not there in the moment, then you only get to experience these brief scientific sculptures as photographs.
Via io9
Giant knitted rabbit can be seen on Google Earth
artAfter almost 5 years of knitting the rabbit found its final place in the italian alps (close to Cuneo). It waits there to be visited by you. You might even take your time or check back every now and then as the rabbit will wait for you 20 years from now on.
This absolutely awesome! It’s big enough you can see it on Google Maps!
Via Design You Trust
Original article in Italian via Designaside
Could you sleep in this half-graffitied hotel room?
artThe Vieux Panier boutique hotel in Marseille commissions artists and designers to decorate each of their five bedrooms once a year. The juxaposition of the historic 17th century former grocer’s with bold contemporary interior design is a striking one and definitely not for the faint-hearted.
I for one could come up with activities way better than sleep in this schyzodelic decor.
See and read more in the original article from Stylist Magazine
Artist uses PVC tubing to create motion blur sculptures
artKorean artist KANK Duck-Bong creates sculptures that appear to be in motion using PVC tubing.
via Kottke
Hacked Record Player Turns Tree Rings Into Music
artIf you’re a fan of experimental technology, Arduino hacking or post-modern music, this project is going to make you smile. Years is a piece by Bartholomäus Traubeck, and it consists of a record player that plays slices of wood. Yep, you read that right.
As you probably know, you can estimate how old a tree is by counting the rings across its trunk. This record player reads that “ring data” and translates it into music. More specifically, the tree’s year rings are analyzed for strength, thickness and growth rate. All of these details affect the final sound.
via Shareables: Hacked Record Player Turns Tree Rings Into Music.